Central meeting point of the campus

  • Navigation point at the campus for foreign students
  • Where students and researchers of all faculties meet
  • Where you can collaborate in teams in a real or virtual way
Pioneer project for the new learning

Cutting-edge technologies will reinforce education and research:

  • Video conferences
  • Streaming
  • Massive open online Cources
  • Telepresence
Living lab for the knowledge economy in Brussels, Belgium and Europe

Even today the demand for ICT experts is higher than the supply. An academic platform that reinforces the interaction between education, research, training and innovation, will support the knowledge economy and promote employment. Digital expertise is essential for the creation of growth, competitiveness and employment in Belgium.

Seamless integration with the knowledge economy in Brussels, Belgium and Europe

Via outreach activities such as workshops and seminars, temporary/permanent exhibitions and events. A visionary architecture will maximally support these functionalities and trigger people to visit the building.